Category: Spectre3D


Millstone at Avoncroft Museum

On a trip to the excellent Avoncroft outdoor museum, near Bromsgrove in western England, I came across…

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Feature image of angel memorial.

Spectre3D versus Kiri Engine versus 3D Scanner Pro

It’s only a few years ago that photogrammetry apps were just a bit of fun, often turning…

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The Bull Ring Bull resin 3D print.

Bull Ring Bull Fan Art 3D Model

If you’re from Birmingham in the UK, or even if you’ve just visited, you’ve probably seen one…

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St Martin in the Bull Ring carved stone grotesque

St Martin in the Bull Ring grotesque

For me smartphone photogrammetry is a wonderful way to go beyond ‘normal’ 3D photos, adding extra depth…

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Mesh of a 3D scanned stone head

Carved stone head on Halesowen church

Wandering around Halesowen town centre (in western England) recently I came across a lovely carved stone womans…

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The Saltworkers in Droitwich Spa

Saltworkers in Droitwich Spa

Brine has been an important part of Droitwich Spa for a long time, supplying medicinal bathing and…

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