Recently I was in Monmouth, South Wales, working on 3D scanning the Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee water fountain, so I can do a 3D printed version. While there I decided to make a much more basic 3D scan, purely for computer graphics uses. Having used the excellent Widar Android photogrammetry app for a similar scan in Bromsgrove, I decided to try it out for this project too. And below is the result on Sketchfab (click the play button to load the model and view it in 3D).
Quick summary of this 3D creation
Overview: A basic photogrammetry scan of the Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee water fountain.
Location: Monmouth, South Wales [map].
Date/era: Victorian, 1897 AD.
Software used: WIDAR Android app.
Intended use: Computer graphics, not suitable for 3D printing.
Download: Sketchfab page.
Overall I think Widar did a great job of capturing the water fountain for posterity. While the underlying base geometry is fairly basic, and lacks things like the detail of the crown, it’s more than good enough to represent the shapes in the texture image. And if you want to download the 3D scan you can do that straight from the Sketchfab page. Plus, if you’re interested in a more detailed 3D scan of the Victoria Crown set into this monument, please see the Parth3D page for it.
For local history fans, the water fountain is a Grade II listed structure (see the British Listed Buildings web page for more info). It has a victorian plaque stating “Erected by subscription to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria“. Below that is another, more modern, plaque which reads “Renovated by Rotary Club of Monmouth to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of H. M. Queen Elizabeth II June 1977“. So it’s also nice to note that this wonderful monument links the United Kingdoms two most famous and long-reigning monarchs 🙂